Quick Access Gallery

Let's face it - strange shit happens to Steve

Steve is an everyman, he's just like you and me - as long as you can define "you and me" as a bumbling, idiotic, impatient nerd who lives  a Truman Show-like existence, in a Universe similar to ours -  only very different.

He certainly moves in mysterious (unfathomable) ways

Join our Lord, his ever-suffering Son LJ and a host of other heavenly hangers-on - as he guffaws and stumbles along his journey running a second-rate Universe with a lot of design flaws. 

Well  "Blue Harvest" and "Something Something Something The Dark Side" has already been done right?

Do you love and cherish the characters from a certain Mouse-owned Space Opera Universe? Do you ever wonder what if this happened instead of that?  And if "this" did happen instead of "that" then how would "that" feel about it? Well that's not really relevant is it?  But the consequences of such musings are covered in "Gas-Ball Conflicts". Enjoy. Do not disappoint me again. 

No particular theme - just random stuff

This section is where I post all the one-off cartoons - just stuff that pops in to my head and makes me laugh and if it makes you laugh too - then we're probably on the same wavelength...

For when you're in a philosophical mood...

He probably just says what most of us are thinking, most of the time. And if you aren't thinking those things - then you're  in the wrong place

Our gel-based superiors learn about Human life

Aliens study us all the time - we are a fascinating species to them. Take a peak behind the scenes at Alien School .

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